I have been involved in weightlifting since 1972 and have been the head coach of the Olympic Power and Fitness weightlifting club since 2005. During that time, I have developed athletes to successfully compete at the Western Canadian Championships, Junior, and Senior Canadian Championships. I have also coached athletes internationally at the Pan Am, Grand Prix and World Championships.

I have worked extensively with athletes at all levels from novice to the elite levels. My focus is to teach proper movement patterns so that athletes are completing all lifts safely and efficiently. I have worked with competitive weightlifters as well as athletes from other sports using the lifts to gain strength and power for their sport. The skills learned through this training carries over very well to any other sport that requires speed, flexibility, and power.

Whether you are training just to learn the sport or compete there is a place for you in this club!



In 2016, I established my own venture, and from that point forward, my passion for the sport grew immensely. Eventually, I developed a desire to contribute to the sport's growth, leading me to become a NCCP level 1 coach. Witnessing athletes and individuals experience moments of revelation when given guidance is truly fulfilling. While it can be quite challenging at times, I make it a point to earn the trust of athletes through my guidance and training programs. My foremost advice to both novice and experienced lifters is, "A calm and composed mind leads to greater success.



Hello, my name is Silas and I am one of the coaches with Olympic Power and Fitness.

In my relentless endeavor of learning and competing in different athletic ventures, I have a myriad of experience that allows me to understand the fundamentals of training in different sports. I have been actively involved in weightlifting both being an athlete and more recently a coach as of 2023.

With my years of being involved in weightlifting, I have decided to contribute back to the sport by providing a tailored programming while developing an analytical insight to each athlete’s particular movement patterns. I strongly believe that this sport develops a strong foundation for not only your body but tempers a strong mind.




Our approach is to meet athletes where they are at in their development and commitment to the sport. We understand that their training will depend on their goals, age, athletic development, school, work, etc and we must adjust to meet those needs.

The sport teaches patience and humility. You can’t do this without learning some life lessons. This is as important as the physical skills and strength gained. Learning to be patient with yourself as you learn is critical to your success.

  • Our coaches make the same commitment to our athlete’s progress as they are. We can’t do the work for them, but we will see them through the challenges they face as they progress in the sport. We both learn from each other through this.

  • We are flexible and adapt our approach to each athlete to help them learn. We begin with teaching basic skills and refining patterns through cueing and repetition. These are complex patterns that need patience to learn and the mobility to achieve correct positions. Learning patterns always takes priority over pushing weight.

  • As coaches, we are invested in our athlete’s development through training. We go through their successes and setbacks with them. We do have a longer view of the process and know that setbacks (while challenging) are temporary and part of the learning process.

  • We learn how athletes respond to cues, workloads, intensity and volume. There is no one approach that works for everyone, so observing and adjusting individually is critical for effective coaching.


“The Great Wave symbolizes how I approach lifting for my athletes. I want them to be the calm Mount Fuji in the centre of all the energy around them. Use the energy around you but keep your centred focus.

I clearly value my coach/athlete relationships. I treasure everyday coaching as we can’t do this forever!”

— Kevin Zimmerman